Mobility plays a key role in longevity and in the prevention of certain life-changing illnesses. Good mobility nevertheless requires excellent static and dynamic balance.
Balance depends on the integration of three types of sensory information: vestibular inputs, proprioceptive inputs, and visual inputs. These different sensory information are processed in the vestibular nuclei, the thalamus and various cortical areas. There is a redundancy of different sensory information at each level of the central nervous system, from the brainstem to the cortex, to promote balance in the movements of the head and body in space.
The quantification of the balance is essential because it will allow to better determine the degree of mobility of the patient, essential to its quality of life and also to predict its potential risks of falls at 10 years, falls whose fatal risks are known to average or short term.
We have developed a U_Balance report which assesses the patients’ equilibrium performance irrespective of their clinical history and their history in the field of the inner ear. There is occasionally a Posturography platform capable of recording the movements of the foot pressure center and the center of gravity of the body. The balance is then recorded in different visual and proprioceptive sensory conditions. However, this assessment on the platform does not take into account the patient’s cognitive abilities, his ability to concentrate, his stress management, his mobility, his energy level, his joint stiffness, his muscular strength. and his balance during the walk.
In addition, new technologies using connected objects (accelerometers, android systems) make it possible to quantify with great accuracy the postural oscillations in different static conditions (standing up on foam mats) or dynamic conditions (such as walking).